What To Expect
Prior to your arrival, please complete your intake forms. You can access them online or in your booking confirmation email.
When you arrive we will go over your paperwork and answer any questions you have and explain how the images are taken and make sure you are comfortable with the process.
For a Breast Study, you’ll remove your clothing from the waist up, along with all jewelry. Your hair will need to be off your neck and face completely, there will be hair ties and bobby pins if needed.
For a Health Study or Full Body we’ll ask you to remove all jewelry and clothing, except your underwear.
Your comfort is a priority at all times, you will be behind a privacy curtain for all of the imaging. Your thermographer will be on the other side operating the equipment.
The images are then sent off for medical interpretation (that fee is included in the initial cost).
You will receive your report via email approximately 7-10 days after your appointment. The report will include all of the images taken, along with a written report from the interpreting doctor. Once you have received your report you can schedule a post scan consultation to review this with you to make sure that you understand the report.
Prices include: Thermal Scans, Medical Report and Post Scan Consultation